Book Store
Operating Hours
Monday-Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Phone: (619) 435 1516
Welcome To Our Beloved Bookstore
The Friends of the Coronado Public Library (FOL) runs the Second Hand Prose bookstore, where a variety of items such as donated books, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, audiobooks, rare books, and gift items are sold. The main storefront is situated behind the Library on D Avenue, opposite the high school, and remains open daily. Additionally, there is a second bookshop location in the Library lobby, offering a wide selection of paperback fiction and non-fiction for adults, teens, and children, along with gift items, cards, DVDs, and audiobooks.

Entrance behind the Library on D Avenue.

Located inside the Library lobby.
What does prose stand for?
prose /prōz/
written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure. "a short story in prose"
Currently, we are accepting donations of newer hardcover and paperback fiction, nonfiction, and children's books in good condition, as well as rare and exceptional books. Donations are welcome at the Second Hand Prose bookstore during its operational hours.
100% of all proceeds from sales contribute to funding Library programs catering to children, teens, and adults. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, FOL provided the Library with $63,000 to support programs enjoyed by the local community.
Guidelines for Book and Other Material Donations
The Friends of the Coronado Public Library (Friends) welcome donations of books, DVDs, and audiobooks. These donations are sold throughout the year at the Second Hand Prose book store operated by the Friends, in the bookstore located in the Library lobby, and at sales held at various times during the year.
Donations can be brought to the Second Hand Prose shop during operating hours. Please do not leave books at the front door of the Library or Second Hand Prose.
The Friends appreciate your donations. Please help our volunteers who sort them by observing the following guidelines:
Newer hardcover and paperback fiction and non-fiction in good condition
Clean, undamaged copies of classic titles
Commercially produced DVDs
Puzzles with all of the pieces (secure boxes with tape)
Audiobooks on CD and Playaway audiobooks
Children’s hardcover and paperback books in good condition
College textbooks in good condition published after 2020
Magazines published within the last six months
Rare and exceptional books
We do not accept damaged books with broken bindings, missing pages, soiled, musty, mildew, water damage, have excessive notes or highlighting in the text.
Computer software
CDs, VHS tapes, audiocassettes, 8-track tapes
High School annuals or yearbooks
Phonographic records
If you have more than 3 boxes or bags of donations, please call Second Hand Prose book shop at (619) 435 1516 to make arrangements. If you have questions about these donation guidelines, please email us at info@coronadofol.org.
The Friends of the Coronado Public Library is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution to the extent allowed by law. A receipt is available upon request. Library staff or a Friends volunteer cannot affirm the value of your donation.