Become a Friend
Let’s Be Friends!
Become a Friend of the Coronado Public Library today and enjoy a range of benefits, such as; supporting library programs, early access to the Annual Book Fair, being the first to know about special sales and events, invitation to and voting privilege at our annual membership meetings, and eligibility for board and committee participation.

Annual Membership Levels
Student $10 Standard
Individual $25 Standard
Family $50 Standard
Standard includes:
Enrollment in the FOL E-newsletter.
Recognition as a FOL Member in the FOL E-Newsletter and on the FOL Website.
Invitation to and voting privilege at the annual FOL April membership meeting.
Eligibility to serve on the FOL Board & Committees.
Special promotions at Second Hand Prose (Friend's bookstore).
Early notification of events such as the FOL’s popular Author Lecture Series
Emerald $250 Enhanced
Ruby $500 Enhanced+
Crown $1000 Enhanced+
Director's Circle $5,000 Enhanced+
Lifetime $10,000 Enhanced+
Enhanced​ Includes All of the Above, Plus:
Recognition on the FOL Enhanced Member Display in the Library Lobby.
Recognition in Select FOL publications and Library event programs.​
Enhanced+ Includes All of the Above, Plus:
Permanent Recognition on the FOL Member Plaque In the Library Lobby
Recognition in Select FOL publications and Library event programs.
$10,000+ earns Lifetime recognition as a Friend of the Coronado Library.
Membership Guidelines
FOL Memberships are valid for one year, starting from April 1 and ending on March 31 of the subsequent calendar year. Any FOL memberships initiated between April 1 and March 31 conclude on March 31.
All FOL memberships expire on March 31 and need to be renewed for the upcoming FOL membership year. This rule applies to Standard, Enhanced, and Enhanced+ level memberships.
Enhanced+ FOL Memberships (excluding Enhanced+ Lifetime Memberships) are valid for one year. The names of Enhanced+ Members will be permanently displayed on the FOL Member Plaque